~Membership Application~

“Your Network is your Net Worth”
Membership of FridayClub is open to small business owners, founders, professionals and individuals who are passionate about the growth of their businesses. 

Summary of Membership Benefits

Benefits of FridayClub membership

1. Build your trusted business network. Remember: “Your Network is your Net Worth.”
1.1 Form trusted business relationships and show passion and care for what you do or represent.
1.2 Receive accolades and build confidence with fellow members.
1.3 Receive quality leads and introductions from fellow members.

2. Promote your business and business initiatives:
2.1 Daily opportunity to post on the members’ WhatsApp group and on the Friday Club Facebook page.
2.2 Opportunity to do a 10min Presentation at the networking event.
2.3 Attend ad hoc member events and network.

Note: T&Cs apply.

FridayClub Network